Monday 9 February 2015

Valentine's Day - Yogurt and Raspberry Heart

Valentine's Day 2015, Cake #167 - Yogurt and Raspberry Heart (pulla - sweet bun cake).

Valentine's Day. In most languages I know, the day is called Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day referring to a saint called Valentinus and being associated with romantic love. 

For some reason in Finland the day is called Ystävänpäivä - Friend's Day, and in Sweden Alla Hjärtans Dag - All Hearts' Day. Why, that is an interesting question. Is it easier for a Finn to say their partner that you are my best friend rather than saying I love you in a romantic way? And do the Swedes want to spread equality also this way - to, via and through all hearts?

One stereotype or another, let your Valentine or Friend or Foe or anybody with a heart - and especially anybody without one -  feel loved this Valentine's Day. If you cannot find words or dare say any, bake a cake!


Yogurt and Raspberry Heart
300 ml  lukewarm milk
25 g fresh yeast (or 1 bag / 7 g fast action dried yeast)
100 ml sugar
½ tsp ground cardamom
1 egg
100 g melted butter
about 1 litre plain flour

100 ml natural yogurt
50 ml raspberry jam
50 ml granulated sugar
½ tsp vanilla extract

1 egg for glazing

icing sugar, red food colouring and sprinkles for decorating the cake

1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk.
2. Add sugar, cardamom and egg and mix well.
3. Start adding flour gradually.
4. After you have kneaded in about half of the flour, add melted butter.
5. Knead in more flour until your dough is not sticky any more but still soft. It is better to leave the dough a little too soft than make it too dense as the cake will be too dry and hard after baking.
6. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place until double in size, for about half an hour.
7. Roll your dough into a rectangle, about 0,5 cm thick.

8. Cut hearts with a cookie cutter - or cookie cutters of different size.
9. Grease a heart-shaped cake pan and place one layer of hearts in the pan.
10. Mix together all ingredients for the filling and spoon half of the filling on the hearts. Then place another layer of hearts on top and spoon the rest of the filling on them and finally a third layer of hearts. 
11. Let rise for about 20 minutes and glaze with egg before baking.
12. Bake in the oven at 200 C for about half an hour.
13. Let the cake cool before removing from pan and decorating with icing and sprinkles.

Cake inspired by Ikea paper napkin...? 

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