Saturday 27 December 2014

Cake #116 - Saffron Boston Cake

Monday Mood Cake - Saffron Boston Cake with Raisins and Nuts.

Simply, I felt like eating some "pulla" (sweet buns)!!!

I have made a cinnamon bun Boston Cake earlier and now I used the same recipe with the addition of a pinch of saffron in the dough. For the filling I mixed 100 g soft butter, 100 ml light brown sugar, 50 g raisins, 50 g mixed nuts, ½ tsp groung ginger and 1 tsp ground cinnamon. On top I sprinkled pearl sugar.

Best fresh. If not eaten the same day, put it in the freezer. 

Cake #115 - The Snowman

Sunday Classic - The Snowman.

We all love The Snowman movie. It is a true Christmas tradition to watch it together with the family on Christmas Eve. 

I love the music of the movie, too. Especially I love this version of Walking in the Air by Finnish Nightwish.

Cake #114 - Irish Breakfast Cake

Savoury Saturday Cake - Irish Breakfast Cake, with Sausages, Streaky Bacon, Black Pudding, White Pudding and Red Cheddar.

To be served for Sunday breakfast with eggs and beans.

I used this recipe, the same I used for making my Sausage Cake a while ago. The filling is made of slices of black pudding, white pudding, pork sausages and streaky bacon which I fried on a pan before compiling and baking the cake.

Cake #113 - Prune Cake

Friends First Friday Cake - Prune Cake.

This cake is for traditional Christmas cards as in the digital world they are getting rare. I appreciate very much each and every card the postman brings me. Myself, I post about 50 cards every Christmas and I do hope the recipients appreciate them as well...

The recipe for this cake is the same as for my Date Cake. Instead of dates I used a 400 g can of prunes which I did not boil as they were soft enough to mash with a fork and mix with the melted butter. If you use dried prunes, boil them the way you would boil the dates.

The week I baked this cake was a hectic one - everybody in the family coming and going and nobody really being home eating  my cakes. My poor husband had to take this cake to the office to his poor colleagues to enjoy on their coffee break but apparently they had liked it and somebody had even asked for a recipe so I am happy about that at least.

Cake #112 - Finnish Winter Cats

Thursday Cat Theme Cake - Finnish Winter Cats.

A funny cake made with reasonably little effort. Sometimes it is the idea that counts! 

The sponge is made using a basic recipe. For the filling I spread some raspberry jam and on top 500 ml whipped cream. The tails and ears are made of brown and black sugar paste. The whiskers are made of black spaghetti (if you  are very allergic to seafood, do not use it as it is coloured with squid ink) and the rest is sprinkles - silver balls, pink hearts and black sugar.

PS If you happen to see these cats, please let them in. They hate the cold and snow even more than we humans!

Cake #111 - Apple and Blueberry Cake

Wednesday Natural Ingredient / Healthy Cake - Apple and Blueberry Cake.

The recipe for this cake is from here. I added 2 tsp cinnamon to the batter as I felt like making it more Christmassy. - Very yummy and gooey cake indeed!

Cake #110 - If Santa Was Irish

Tuesday Humour Cake - If Santa Was Irish.

With his red beard (and nose), holding a pint of stout and wearing a few shamrocks as accessories he would definitely be a funny guy bringing loads of pressies to you and yours!

Personally, I still believe the one and only Santa comes from Lapland, Finland.